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Our Bittersweet Goodbye to Tara

I can't believe the day has come to say thank you, farewell, and good luck to our beloved Tara! I hired her as an intern, fresh out of design school, during the height of COVID, and she built IKEA cabinets at our first studio on her first day of work, with only a little sass.

It was just the two of us for quite awhile, navigating so many unknowns and countless challenges for the both of us during very uncertain, but also very busy times. I'm so grateful to have had someone else there to do it all together. Take a swing down memory lane with us, and leave a comment for Tara down below as she starts a new life chapter with her boyfriend!

One of my favorite things about Tara is her willingness to help out. She’s the first one to pick up trash in the parking lot, the first one to jump up and ask if anyone needs help getting things out of a car, or to run and get coffee. She makes sure that everyone has lunch during a busy day of meetings. At her last week here at MND, she volunteered to clean and organize our entire back room to be sure that we were left in a good place before she moves.

She is sassy and chatty, and she knew it drove me crazy sometimes, but the truth is that her loud laugh and funny stories will be terribly missed on our team. She has left her imprint on MND as a business, but also on me as a person. I learned how to be a “boss” with Tara, and she saw us grow from 1 employee to 6, with a few different people who came and went during that time also. She’ll always hold a special place in my heart, and in the hearts of all the clients whose homes she helped design.

I am excited for her and her new chapter, as she moves to live with her boyfriend.

It was very hard for her to decide what her favorite project was during her time here. La Buena Tierra was her first thought, because it was one of the first projects she started assisting on, and it was a really great experience to see it through from (almost) start to completion.

But in the end, our Greenwich project in Connecticut won out because it really stretched us to do a project completely out of state, with only two site visits; one at the beginning of the job and one at the end. I'll never forget the insane amount of suitcases filled with decor we juggled at the airport for that install!

It has been such a joy to watch her grow as a designer, but also as a person over these three years. She will always be in the DNA of MND, because she helped to build so much of our foundation and who we are today.

We will miss you so, so much Tara! Cheers to the dawn of new beginnings for you!



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Madison Nicole Design is a full service interior design studio with a retail shop in Ventura, California. Madison and team take on projects of all sizes, from furniture styling to large scale remodels and new constructions home, both locally and nationally.

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